

Adventura humana (2018)

Author: Bolesław Leśmian / Júlia Rázusová
An interactive production that will visit your elementary school.


Ǔčinkujú: Lukáš Tandara. Hra na hudobné nástroje: Nina Tarasovičová, Matej Chudada

We play the production as organized performances in the premises of primary schools for children from 4th to 6th grade.

The production is inspired by the book “Stories of Sailor Sindbad” by Bolesław Leśmian.

Sindbad has embarked and is looking forward to a sailing adventure. But he still has no idea that sea silence, storms, or waves can occur among sailors regardless of the weather. How to dispel a dark cloud, and save yourself or someone else? Embark, with Sinbad, on a cruise to your soul and to the souls of others, experience Adventura Humana: the adventure of being human.

Against the background of the story about sailor Sindbad, the production talks about the problem of bullying in primary schools. Viewers can get involved interactively and experience for themselves what it is like to be an offender, a victim, or a bystander, and they can decide for themselves how to act in this situation.

The project was created in cooperation with the Center for Pedagogical and Psychological Counseling and Prevention as well as the Child Safety Line.

Suitable for children from 9 years old.
Length: 70 minutes.

Author: Bolesław Leśmian- Júlia Rázusová
Directed by: Júlia Rázusová
Dramaturgy: Peter Galdík
Stage: Barbora Rajčanová
Costumes, puppets: Martina Fintorová
Music: Lucia Chuťková
Starring: Michal Adam, René Sorád, Miriam Kalinková, Adela Mojžišová, Lukáš Tandara
Playing musical instruments: Nina Tarasovičová, Matúš Kľúčik
Inspection: Nina Tarasovičová
Photo: Juraj Starovecký


Inscenáciu hrávame výlučne ako organizované predstavenia v priestoroch základných škôl pre vekovú skupinu detí od 4. po 6 ročník.



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They wrote about us

Obsah:"Júlia Rázusová je vyprofilovanou režisérskou osobnosťou. Ponúka originálny prístup k práci s hercom. Jej divadlo je divadlom konania, divadlom naplneným hereckými akciami a to určuje aj celkovú vysokú dynamiku inscenácií."
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Charlie the Monster (2018)

Author: Gejza Dezorz, Lucia Ditte
A scary comedy about movie monsters.


Charlie: Ľubomír Piktor. Frenkino: Juraj Bednarič. Elza: . Boris: . Lugoši, María Mexico: . Béla Gold: . Profesor Harryhausen, mimozemšťan: Lukáš Tandara

Have you ever wondered what movie monsters do after their monstrous movie careers end?

It is true: mummies, vampires, aliens, or Frankenstein’s monster exists. They were created by the crazy professor Harryhausen and now they have to hide from the world in a secret hotel. And it's terribly boring! They eat popcorn, watch movies, and hope for a stellar comeback. What if their fame fades and the audience forgets about them? But someone knocks on the gate. It is an opportunity! Supposedly a Hollywood producer.

A crazy scary comedy with the atmosphere of a "storm in the cemetery and a howling coyote" about finding the meaning of life and the pitfalls of a boundless desire for fame with music by Marián Čekovský will scare you, entertain you and introduce you to a brave monster named Charlie.

Dedicated to the famous puppet and author of the characters "The Muppets" Jim Henson.

The creation of the production was supported by the FPU from Public Sources.

Suitable for children from 5 years old.
Length: 50 minutes.

Author: Gejza Dezorz, Lucia Ditte
Directed by: Gejza Dezorz
Dramaturgy: Peter Galdík
Stage, puppets and costumes: Von Dubravay
Screenings: Von Dubravay, Gejza Dezorz
Music: Marián Čekovský
Starring: Michal Adam, Juraj Bednarič, Miroslava Dudková, Peter Pavlík, Andrej Kovac, Ľubomír Piktor, Lukáš Tandara, Róbert Laurinec
Inspection: Daniel Bilský
Photo: Juraj Starovecký


Záhradnícka 95 (Radošinské naivné divadlo building)



When we play



They wrote about us

Obsah:"Bratislavské bábkové divadlo uviedlo úspešnú premiéru s charakteristickým rukopisom režiséra a výtvarníka Dezorza. Je osviežením bábkarskej tvorby, inšpiráciou k ďalším činom inscenačného bábkového divadla a najmä divadelným zážitkom."
Linka na celý článok:…
Obsah:"'Dezorzovčina' sa prejavuje najmä v tom, že nejde o rozprávku pre konkrétnu vekovú skupinu cieľového detského diváka, ale skôr o rodinnú rozprávku, ktorá má zároveň niekoľko možných úrovní čítania a diváckeho zážitku."
Linka na celý článok:…

Granddaddy (2018)

Author: Matija Solce
Theatre of puppets and objects based on a true story of a granddaddy and his own granddaddy, revealing a great adventure of their lives.


Postavy: Anna Čonková, Peter Pavlík a.h., Ľubomír Piktor

Granddaddy Svetomir is old enough to be already lying in his bed in a retirement home and spend his time by solving crossword puzzles. Instead of this, he has hidden himself in his little shed where he is recalling his memories of his old granddaddy – a determined adventurous man who had travelled around the half of the world.In his hands, objects transform into cities, landscapes and people. His role model granddaddy becomes alive again before his very eyes.

We carry the stories of our grandparents with us for our whole life, keep their legacy and hand them over to the next generation.

The performance Granddaddy describes the precious time that family can spend together and it also stands for an active way of life.

Age: 6+
Duration: 45 minutes.

During the performance, the audience sits on the stage with a limited number of seats.


Directed & music by: Matija Solce
Dramaturgy: Katarína Aulitisová, Peter Galdík
Scenography, costumes, puppets: Ivana Macková
Cast: Frederika Kašiarová and. h., Miroslava Dudková, Róbert Laurinec, Peter Pavlík, Ľubomír Piktor
Photo: Juraj Starovecký


Záhradnícka 95 (Radošinské naivné divadlo building)


plagát Deduško - kópia

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YouTube kód:LFB82lL_0Gk
YouTube linka:  Otvoriť YouTube



Festivals and awards

Popis:33. Skupova Plzeň, Česká republika
67. Loutkářska Chrrudim , Česká republika
Popis:28. letný bábkový prístav Maribor, Slovinsko
Popis:Cena za herecký výkon pre Ľubomíra Piktora na 33. Skupovej Plzni, Česká republika
Popis:Grand Prix a cena za herecký výkon pre Ľubomíra Piktora na Medzinárodnom divadelnom festivale v Maribore, Slovinsko
Popis:Prehliadka slovenských divadiel vo Varšave, Poľsko

The King (2017)

Author: Andrej Kalinka
Author’s performative project for adults and youth examining the symbol of a king.


Účinkujú: Anna Čonková, Lukáš Tandara, Ján Morávek a.h., Nina Tarasovičová

The production The King explores the position of a human being and society that has denied its own past. Together with the past, it has also abandoned its identity, values and pillars. We can feel that we are missing something, but we are unaware of what it is exactly. Cynicism is thus the last form of authenticity which has remained until now. By leaving the king behind, we haven’t just denied his personality, but also the symbol itself. We neglect the holiness. We neglect ourselves. The King is a conceptual project devoted to adult audience. Its form crosses the boundaries between different art genres – a visual art installation, a concert and a physical-performative theatre with text passages.

Direction, libretto and visual concept: Andrej Kalinka
Dramaturgy and assistant director: Milan Kozánek
Costumes: Katarína Hollá
Music: Andrej Kalinka, G.P. da Palestrina, traditional Georgian anthems and songs

Cast: Anna Čonková, Miroslava Dudková, Jaroslava Hupková, Miriam Kalinková, Ján Morávek host, Jana Sovičová host, Lukáš Tandara, Daniel Bilský, Nina Tarasovičová
Photos: Noro Knap




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YouTube kód:xxFN2doxU0I
YouTube linka:  Otvoriť YouTube



They wrote about us

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The Snow Queen (2016)

Author: Hans Christian Andersen/ Katarína Jánošová
A versed tale, filled with rhymes, and based on the motif of the famous fairy tale by H. CH. Andersen.


Andersen, Snehová kráľovná, Ruža 1, Princ, Holub, Eskimáčka: . Kay, Starenka, Ruža 2, Havran, Los, Lota: Lukáš Tandara. Gerda, Princezná:

The best-known fairy tale comes to life to tell us a chilling story about the ice realm, which can take over our hearts. A story where friendship and love go against callousness and stiff cold.

Little Gerda loses her best friend Kay. The Snow Queen seizes his heart and takes him to her ice palace. What should little Gerda do? Can she save her friend, and will she find him? Gerda embarks on a strenuous journey but has no idea if her friend is still alive. The journey is full of dangers, intrigue, and traps, but thanks to good people and animal friends, she finds clues and her search for a lost friend becomes easier. However, the most difficult task rests only on her shoulders. Will Gerde manage to go beyond the Arctic Circle and defeat the mighty Snow Queen? Can her love warm Kay’s, ice-cold heart?

Suitable for children from 3 years.
Length: 50 minutes.


Author: Hans Christian Andersen - Katarína Jánošová
Directed by: Adriana Totiková
Dramaturgy: Peter Galdík
Stage, puppets, costumes: Naďa Salbotová
Starring: Michal Adam, Adela Mojžišová, Lukáš Tandara


Záhradnícka 95 (Radošinské naivné divadlo building)

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